Saturday, January 8, 2011

Black Forest soap 黑森林

Mysterious is the perfect word to describe Black Forest, irregular light and shadow, cast like a dream-like scenes emerged was totally amazing.

That’s how the concept of Handmade Black Forest came from. By using the extra virgin olive oil that soaked lavender and combined with lavender essential oil, to create a faint aroma of it, making the bathing pleasure and enjoyment of change.

黑森林讓人有股神祕的氣息, 不規則的光影, 投現出有如夢境般的場景, 令人驚嘆.

黑森林手工皂概念源自於此, 使用浸泡薰衣草的橄欖油, 再加上薰衣草精油, 讓它帶有淡淡的香氣,  讓沐浴變的愉悅和享受.

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