Tuesday, August 23, 2011

檀香糙米 Sandalwood Brown Rice


【添加物】:糙米粉, 茶樹精油, 檀香精油


【重量】:130g (±5g)

【過期日期】: July 2012

【Content】: Olive oil 50%(soak with Lavendar & Lithospermum), Palm oil, Coconut oil, Shortening oil

【Additives】: Brown rice powder, Sandalwood essential oil, Tea tree essential oil

【Uses】: Bathing, suitable for dry and all skin type.

【Weight】: 130g (± 5g)

存货:sold out

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Monday, August 22, 2011

莓菊糙米 Chamomile Brown Rice


【添加物】:糙米粉, 洋甘菊精油, 草莓茶

【重量】:130g (±5g)

【過期日期】: July 2012

【Content】: Olive oil 35%(soak with Lavendar), Palm oil, Coconut oil, Shortening oil, Rice bran oil

【Additives】: Brown rice powder, Chamomile essential oil, Strawberry tea

【Uses】: Cleansing, bathing, suitable for sensitive and all skin type.

【Weight】: 130g (± 5g)

存货:sold out

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佛手柑糙米 Bergamot Brown Rice


【添加物】:糙米粉, 佛手柑精油


【重量】:130g (±5g)

【過期日期】: July 2012

【Content】: Olive oil 45%(soak with Lavendar), Palm oil, Coconut oil, Shortening oil, Rice bran oil

【Additives】: Brown rice powder, Bergamot essential oil

【Uses】: Bathing, suitable for all skin type.

【Weight】: 130g (± 5g)

存货:sold out

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香茅糙米 Lemongrass Brown Rice


【添加物】:糙米粉, 香茅精油, 薰衣草精油


【重量】:130g (±5g)

【過期日期】: July 2012

【Content】: Olive oil 40%(soak with Lavendar & Lithospermum), Palm oil, Coconut oil, Shortening oil, Rice bran oil

【Additives】: Brown rice powder, Lemongrass essential oil, Lavendar essential oil

【Uses】: Cleansing, bathing, suitable for all skin type.

【Weight】: 130g (± 5g)

存货:sold out

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薄荷糙米 Peppermint Brown Rice


【添加物】:糙米粉, 茶樹精油, 薄荷精油, 薄荷葉
茶樹精油是強效的殺菌劑, 鎮靜清潔肌膚


【重量】:130g (±5g)

【過期日期】: July 2012

【Content】: Olive oil 30%(soak with Lavendar), Palm oil, Coconut oil, Shortening oil, Grapeseed oil, Sunflower oil

【Additives】: Brown rice powder, Tea tree essential oil, Peppermint essential oil, Fresh peppermint

【Uses】: Cleansing, bathing, suitable for all skin type.

【Weight】: 130g (± 5g)

存货:sold out

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(大马区邮费registed mail): 第一塊RM4另计, 第二塊各加RM1)